Wu, Ching-Seh (Mike), Ph.D.


Preferred: ching-seh.wu@kongtiao11.com


Google Faculty in Residence

PhD Hooding Ceremony for my doctoral students 

USA National Flag Honor (Certificate from USA Capital)


Ph.D. in Computer Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

M.S. in Computer Science & Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio.


I have worked in both academia and industry for more than 20+ years. I have participated in and became as a team leader for several large-scale software development projects including USA military weapon systems and a contractor for the Google's Cloud and Big Data platform, etc. My research focuses on Big Data Using Machine Learning and Software Engineering for Web Services and Cloud Computing, with emphasis on developing novel algorithms for optimization of distributed data and workflows for big data analytics. I have advised/supervised several successful PhD dissertations and Master thesis works and have published 60+ peer reviewed Journal and International Conferences in Big Data Using Machine Learning and Cloud Computing research areas, such as Informatics Journal, IEEE, ACM, etc. I have also served as Program Committee and paper reviewer for many top Journals and International Conferences in the related areas. I am honored to participate in Google Faculty In Residence Scholar program collaborating research projects and hosting Google Workshops events on 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus to help students find career jobs particularly in Silicon Valley and I have referred many excellent 菠菜网lol正规平台 students to Google for internships and fulltime Software/Data Engineer job positions.